Sustainability Our people
WE CARE for People
In an effort to ensure our local communities benefit from tourism, we are constantly working to support the people of Polynesia and form meaningful relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders.

Green Leaders
Our environmental efforts allow us to set ambitious companywide future goals, which are overseen by a staff ‘Green Leader’ who manages a Green Team made of volounteer staff. This Green Team is responsible for spearheading sustainability projects throughout the property.
Skill-based sponsorship
The resort prioritizes hiring locally, and we offer our staff continuous professional training and development programs, including lectures and field trips led by our many visiting experts. Through internships and hands-on professional experience, we guide local students to learn about the tourism and hospitality industries, providing our young islanders with new career options.

Celebrate Service
Every year, we work on two major events:
Giving For Good contributes to the local community by collecting hygiene products and to the well-being of those in need through local associations.
Celebrate Service highlights all the talents of our Resort. Through these various initiatives, we enhance the skills of our employees and promote their personal development.
Employee safety
We are actively working to prevent or eliminate risks for our employees. We recently invested in an active oxygen water machine that eliminates chemical risks for our employees and poses no risk to the environment. For products that we cannot substitute, we use dilution stations: the amount of water is managed, and our employees no longer handle the products.